Thursday, December 1, 2011

Random pics-- First Installment

Some random pics from the last year...Most of these feature Z, but I think the next installment will have more pics of G.

A monster dragon fly hanging out on our condo wall outside...

I made this taco casserole one evening, and it looked so pretty I had to take a picture before putting it in the oven...

Z started playing with the spoon rest, making noises as he did so. I asked him what he was doing, and he said, "This car!" So imaginative! And not even two years old...

Z wanted to brush my teeth before he let me brush his.

Yep. Right of passage: Z got a hold of the cereal box...
 ...then dumped the whole plateful onto the floor...of course...

Taking a ride in the toboggan out front of our condo.

G made this one day and then just left it on the table. I noticed it a while later and was so excited, because it was the first real sculpture he'd ever made. He's just not very visually creative, or at least not very interested in expressing himself artistically. Of course, I took one look and said to G, "Wow! You made a dragon!" "No," G replied, "It's a man with one foot and one hand!" Oh. Duh. Why didn't I see that

Z running around in Daddy's shirt :)

Picnic outside in January. Getting some Vitamin D from the sun in the middle of winter.

Z donning a decorative hat Nick bought in Honduras on his mission several years ago. It barely fit; of course, he didn't want to take it off.

"Oooh! That's cold!"

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