Wednesday, May 1, 2013


My brain has been nagging me to "post something." So I will. But I'm not in the mood for an update on my kids, or a serious discussion, or my latest creative endeavors. So I'm just going to ramble on a semi-random topic of my choosing.

I've been thinking about the color green. You might remember a post of mine a while back about the color white. Well now it's green's turn.

When people ask me my favorite color, I usually say "green." If I'm honest with myself, this is probably not entirely true (more on that in a later post on another color to-be-announced). But, I committed to this color many years ago, and kinda like a marriage partner, I'm stuck with it now ;-)

But I do love green. In all its many shades and hues. My living room walls are painted a kinda minty green that feels very refreshing. It's actually pretty close to the color of this blog's background.

Green is an earthy, natural color, which I like. I am an earthy, natural girl. I also like green coupled with one of any number of different colors...Some favorite combinations include green and brown, green and purple, and green and white. And, since marrying Nick-- whose favorite color is orange-- I have also gained a deep appreciation for the green/orange combo-- especially the more rusty orange we've often come across on our drives through the Northwest Montana forest ranges in the Autumn months.

Green is technically one of the "cool" colors, but it always feels rather warm to me. It is relaxing yet energizing at the same time; very few colors can claim that distiction, I think. Maybe this explains the origin of "green rooms" in live theatre. Something for me to look up sometime...

And if course frogs are green, and those who know me know how I love frogs (both literal and figurative)!

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