Friday, April 8, 2011

Trash to Treasure Creation #1: DVD Cases...

A couple weeks ago, I condensed all our CD's and DVD's into a large sleeve case. This left us with a big box full of empty DVD cases, with which we're still figuring out what to do. We think we will call the local video rental stores and see if they want any. I also intend to ask the thrift store if they want to take any.

A couple nights ago, I was laying in bed before going to sleep, and I envisioned a doll house made from DVD cases. The next day, I gathered some of the cases, colored paper, cardstock, hot glue, and a cardboard "tray," and created this: 

Other things I thought of that could be made with DVD cases: small, lidless boxes; and kids' shoe cubbies. However, we don't really need either of those things right now. So, I'll probably just be donating the rest (hopefully, it seems a shame to just throw them away).

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